Why we started Generation Tribe with a mission to inspire and empower women and girls

The best way to promote the idea that you can do anything you want with your life is to share real-life stories of women who've been there and done it.

Bex and Charlotte, co founders of Generation Tribe
Bex and Charlotte

It’s been two months today since we launched Generation Tribe, and since then we’ve featured dozens of amazing women who have shared their stories with us.

The reason Charlotte and I decided to start this website is we wanted to do something to help young women just like us. Women who feel like they can’t achieve their wildest dreams and can’t do whatever they damn well please.

We thought the best way to promote the idea that you can do anything you want with your life is to show you exactly that, through the real-life stories of women who’ve been there and done it.

We’ve got scientists, dancers, entrepreneurs, women like us who work in the media, those who are travelling the world doing a job they love. Anything is possible, and our brilliant network of Generation Tribers proves just that.

But why is a website like ours needed?

We know what it’s like to be at school or college and feel fearful about the future. And we know how it feels to have no idea where your life is going. We know what it’s like to have anxiety and to come down with a case of impostor syndrome. Do you know why we know? Because that was once us. In fact, sometimes we still feel that way!

As we grow this site we want more and more involvement from those who we are aiming to help. We want to know what career questions you have so we can put these to women who have forged the way in your chosen field.

We also want to feature as many brilliant women as we possibly can. These stories will help to empower the next generation of women in the workplace which is so important.

Let’s celebrate just some of the amazing stories we’ve already featured.

The Lionesses may have inspired thousands of girls to get into football after their success in the world cup. Here’s another amazing footballer who is making a success in the sport.

Vicki thought failing her 11 plus exams meant she wouldn’t be able to follow her career dreams – but she was determined enough to climb to the top and now she runs her own PR firm with a social purpose.

If anyone can prove you can do anything, Niomi can. She was born with a hearing impairment, but that didn’t stop her from learning five languages.

Jessie (my sister) had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, and struggled with traditional education. But a stint of volunteering gave her a hint of what was possible and now she travels the world with her work.

Frankie was so determined to work for the BBC that she turned up uninvited to speak to the editor at her local radio station. The rest, as they say, is history…

These are just some of the excellent stories we’ve been lucky enough to tell through people we know.

We want to keep sharing these inspirational and empowering articles, so if you have a brilliant story to tell, or you know someone else who does, please get in touch.

For Generation Tribe news in your inbox on the last Friday of every month, sign up to our newsletter here.

And please, if you like what we’re doing and want to get involved, just reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.

Find out more about Bex and Charlotte here.


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