How I use music and journaling to help people to heal

Leigh Beeby is a singer, songwriter and intuitive energy healing mentor from West Sussex. She uses a mix of music and journalling in her therapy sessions.

Mixing music and journaling to heal

When I was seven years old I watched the life story of Tammy Wynette the famous American country singer in the USA with my nan.

I remember being in absolute awe at the end scene where she receives a standing ovation for singing ‘Stand By Your Man’ at the Grand Ole Opry.

It was in that moment that I decided my dream was to become a famous singer.

My number one bucket list entry was to sing live at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville one day.

As a child, I believed that if this dream did not come true, I would somehow have failed or that the law of attraction must not exist.

Years later I realised neither belief was true.

The path to my dream did a divert

When I left college, my path did not take me in the direction of my dream. Instead, I became a project and event manager for 20 years.

I had also, in that time, shrunk my dream in size. “I would like to sing on the stage of the Grand Ole Oprey, even if there is no one in the audience”.

It was my way of safeguarding myself against failing in front of others.

I never sang unless it was alone in the car. I wasn’t even taking action towards my dream, even though I had shrunk it in size.


In 2001, I emigrated to Canada and signed up for some singing lessons. I entered myself into several talent shows but I was no closer to my dream.

In 2004, while hosting a VIP event for the company I worked for at the Merritt Mountain Music Festival (a country music version of Glastonbury), a colleague dared me to ask the lead singer of a well-known local band if I could sing a song with them on the main stage.

To be honest I thought they would say no, as they had no clue if I could even sing. Instead, he handed me the mic and said “what song would you like us to play”. I replied “Cowboy Take Me away by the Dixie Chicks, please”.

It wasn’t Nashville or the Grand Ole Opry but it felt amazing to be on such a huge stage in front of thousands of people singing live for the first time.

The crowd cheered, and in that moment, I realised I had got my dream, but not in the way I had envisioned it to be.

From there I got to sing at that festival several years running. I sang with the Dirk Kicking Band whenever their tour dates were in British Columbia, Canada.

Life changed and my dream felt far away

Fast forward to 2011, I moved back to the UK after my 16-year relationship and marriage ended and I was now a single mum with a newborn baby, suffering with post-natal depression.

I would cry most days and journal my thoughts but I was no closer to a cure.

I felt like I couldn’t have been further from my dream.

Inspiration strikes

A few years later I suddenly had the inspiration to convert my journal notes into song lyrics in the hope that they might inspire someone else on a similar journey to mine.

I released a five-track EP called “Goodbye to the Past”. Within a week I got a call from a talent scout for Britain’s Got Talent. I was asked to audition as she had heard my comical song about dating in the 21st century.

I didn’t get through to the final round but it was a proud moment knowing my talent was starting to get recognised.

When life comes to a crossroads

In 2018, I was at a crossroads in my life.

As I had been made redundant from work but I knew I didn’t want to be a project manager anymore. I felt after 20 years that the role defined my future.

But I was determined to find a solution, as I no longer felt like I had passion and purpose in my life.

So I decided to go back to study energy healing therapies and started my own business, Transform Like Butterflies.

Two passions, one purpose

In April 2019, I combined my two passions of creating original songs and my experiences as a Transformational Energy Healing Coach, to conquer one purpose to help others heal.

I launched a unique transformational music therapy self-help technique called Music Soul Journaling.

This is the first type of self-help music-based therapy of its kind worldwide.

The music lyrics subconsciously tap into thoughts, beliefs and feelings that are held within people’s energy, putting their mind, body, and soul out of alignment, creating unhealthy relationships in their life with themselves and others.

People listen to two songs while journaling. They then use a unique blend of therapies called heart to journaling tapping. It is a form of emotional freedom technique (EFT-Tapping) and Heart to Heart therapy to release any suppressed or not yet dealt with energy that can manifest itself into feelings of anxiety, stress, overwhelm and depression. 

This technique is downloadable anywhere in the world, and takes only 20 to 30 minutes in a comfortable space, following a simple step by step guide.

Why music soul journaling was created

My motivation to create music soul journaling came after suffering from depression for eight years after several rounds of IVF treatments and my daughter’s birth in 2010.

I wanted to make an impact in the world helping to heal people suffering in silence, too ashamed or embarrassed to seek professional help or even speak with friends and family.

It was because I know only too well how it feels. Half the time you consciously don’t even know why you feel the way you do.

I was keen to look for alternatives to counselling or taking anti-depressants to be able to self-heal through music.

On my own unique journey, I discovered the combination of songs, writing and energy healing was my cure.

I can confidently say that I no longer suffer depression after using this technique.

The moral to my story

We don’t always get our dreams in the way that we had once envisioned them.

But if we keep believing and taking action towards them, then those dreams really can come true.

Never be afraid of failing. With each failing. you learn and grow. Never think that the path you are on, defines you and you cannot change course at a later stage.

Be brave, be bold, be empowering and never give up on your dreams.

For more details on music soul journaling or other therapies I offer visit: Transform Like Butterflies & Music Soul Journaling.


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